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Why do I fold such tiny origami?
Their size represents my belief that any gesture of kindness, no matter how small, is not without worth. I hope my art will inspire viewers to stop and see the delicate beauty of the world that surrounds them, to recognize the gestures of kindness that others extend to them, and to realize that they can return the same small kindnesses to others.
We live in a world full of grand schemes where bigger is often thought to be better and many people are so busy seeking status, fame, and fortune it makes it easy to overlook small gestures of kindness others extend to us. Some are so small they may seem insignificant, but I believe they all add up to create something wonderful: Peace in our day to day lives, even if only for a moment.
I want people to understand that we are all artists and creators. Even if you never pick up a paint brush, we all create on the canvas of life. Each day we possess the ability to create good will or resentment, beauty or ugliness, peace or discord, and happiness or despair for ourselves and the world around us.
Stacie Tamaki
Micro 1/4" high
Itty Bitty 3/8" high
Tiny 3/4" high
Mobiles range from approximately 24"-35" in length and 6"-8" in diameter.
Micro 0.635 cm high
Itty Bitty 0.952 cm high
Tiny 1.905 cm high
Mobiles range from approximately 60.96 - 88.9 cm in length and 15.24 - 20.32 cm in diameter.
TINYGAMI LLC - Greenville, MI
All contents on this website copyright © 2015-2016 Stacie Tamaki. All rights reserved.
Please: No reproductions of any type without written consent.
Why do I fold such tiny origami?
Their size represents my belief that any gesture of kindness, no matter how small, is not without worth. I hope my art will inspire viewers to stop and see the delicate beauty of the world that surrounds them, to recognize the gestures of kindness that others extend to them, and to realize that they can return the same small kindnesses to others.
We live in a world full of grand schemes where bigger is often thought to be better and many people are so busy seeking status, fame, and fortune it makes it easy to overlook small gestures of kindness others extend to us. Some are so small they may seem insignificant, but I believe they all add up to create something wonderful: Peace in our day to day lives, even if only for a moment.
I want people to understand that we are all artists and creators. Even if you never pick up a paint brush, we all create on the canvas of life. Each day we possess the ability to create good will or resentment, beauty or ugliness, peace or discord, and happiness or despair for ourselves and the world around us.
Stacie Tamaki
Micro 1/4" high
Itty Bitty 3/8" high
Tiny 3/4" high
Mobiles range from approximately 24"-35" in length and 6"-8" in diameter.
Micro 0.635 cm high
Itty Bitty 0.952 cm high
Tiny 1.905 cm high
Mobiles range from approximately 60.96 - 88.9 cm in length and 15.24 - 20.32 cm in diameter.
TINYGAMI LLC - Greenville, MI
All contents on this website copyright © 2015-2016 Stacie Tamaki. All rights reserved.
Please: No reproductions of any type without written consent.