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height: 35 inches
width: 6.75 inches
cranes: 3/4, 1/2, 3/8, 1/4 of an inch high
paper cranes
weeping willow branches
air dry clay
acrylic paint
metallic embroidery thread
low melt glue
Made of sweet rice pink and white mochibana symbolizes spring during winter by emulating flower blossoms while the blessing of ancestors, the power of life, and the coming and going of years are symbolized in the “mirrored” kagami mochi decoration.
My first challenge was to locate a weeping willow tree to collect branches from as I didn’t have one in my own yard. I was dreading that I’d have to knock on a stranger’s door and ask to have some of their tree so was quite relieved when friends had one on their property.
Next I created the willow wreath by carefully tying the branches together at contact points with 2 lb fishing line.
The cranes in this piece are a combination of pink chiogami (thinner easier to fold) paper and white tracing paper. I used the tracing paper to represent the translucent quality of mochi. Cranes are 1/4”, 3/8”, and 3/4” in height.
The small pink and white pieces of mochi attached to the willow wreath and the kagami mochi and tiny orange figurines are made of air dry clay that was hand painted.
TINYGAMI LLC - Greenville, MI
All contents on this website copyright © 2015-2016 Stacie Tamaki. All rights reserved.
Please: No reproductions of any type without written consent.
height: 35 inches
width: 6.75 inches
cranes: 3/4, 1/2, 3/8, 1/4 of an inch high
paper cranes
weeping willow branches
air dry clay
acrylic paint
metallic embroidery thread
low melt glue
Made of sweet rice pink and white mochibana symbolizes spring during winter by emulating flower blossoms while the blessing of ancestors, the power of life, and the coming and going of years are symbolized in the “mirrored” kagami mochi decoration.
My first challenge was to locate a weeping willow tree to collect branches from as I didn’t have one in my own yard. I was dreading that I’d have to knock on a stranger’s door and ask to have some of their tree so was quite relieved when friends had one on their property.
Next I created the willow wreath by carefully tying the branches together at contact points with 2 lb fishing line.
The cranes in this piece are a combination of pink chiogami (thinner easier to fold) paper and white tracing paper. I used the tracing paper to represent the translucent quality of mochi. Cranes are 1/4”, 3/8”, and 3/4” in height.
The small pink and white pieces of mochi attached to the willow wreath and the kagami mochi and tiny orange figurines are made of air dry clay that was hand painted.
TINYGAMI LLC - Greenville, MI
All contents on this website copyright © 2015-2016 Stacie Tamaki. All rights reserved.
Please: No reproductions of any type without written consent.